We received feedback that some parents are confused by all the upcoming camping opportunities, so here is a summary for you organized by registration deadline. Keep in mind that some of these trips will fill before the deadlines, so register as soon as you can.
Kamp Bux can be applied to any of the following camp fees before May 31, 2024. On that date all Kamp Bux will expire. You can view Kamp Bux balances here.
- Friday, March 15th is the last day to register for Camp Sullivan. This is a Pack-organized cabin camping trip on April 19-21. Details can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/02/20/2024-camp-sullivan/
- Friday, April 19th is the last day to register to attend Camp Betz with our Pack. This is a council-organized tent camping trip on July 19-21. There are other weekends you could attend with your family independent of the Pack. This camp tends to fill, so register ASAP. Details about this and other summer camps can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/02/09/2024-summer-camp/
- Monday, May 27th is the last day to register to attend Camp Lowden. This is a tent camping trip on May 31-June 2 organized by the Blackhawk BSA Council. Details can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/05/11/2024-camp-sullivan-2/.
- Monday, May 27th is the first Day Camp registration deadline. These are council-organized day events that take place on most Saturdays throughout the summer. Details about this and other summer camps can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/02/09/2024-summer-camp/
- Saturday, June 15th is the first registration deadline for Camp Reneker. This is a council-organized, week-long cabin camping opportunity that takes place most weeks throughout the summer. Details about this and other summer camps can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/02/09/2024-summer-camp/
- Wednesday, July 24th is the last day to register to attend Webelos/AOL Camp Wolverine. This is a council-organized tent camping trip. Details about this and other summer camps can be found here: https://www.pack24riverside.org/2024/02/09/2024-summer-camp/
Please email us if you have questions. And don’t forget to join us for our Pack Hike this Saturday!