Hello Pack 24, we hope you’ve been able to get out with your scout and sell popcorn door to door or at our site sale last Sunday. The scouts that sold outside of Walgreens did very well, and our Kernels calculate that they are on track to earn a significant credit towards their overall sales goal.
We are going to be selling outside of the Jewel in North Riverside this coming weekend. You should have received an email inviting you to register your scout for this event, but if you didn’t, please visit the sign-up at this link:
All of the funds we raise from selling popcorn are used to reduce the costs of den and pack activities; that’s why there isn’t any fee for our Pinewood Derby. Don’t forget that 10% of sales are credited directly to your scout as Kamp Bux for use to reduce the costs of his activities.
Speaking of great activities, be sure to mark your calendar for October 18 for our Scout Cabin camp out in Riverside. We’re developing a lot of fun scouting related activities, and more details will be available ** soon **.