Our last pack meeting of the school year is Tuesday, May 14, at 7pm in the RPC social hall. May is traditionally our graduation meeting since we recognize rank advancement for all scouts. We’ll also award new books, slides and neckercheifs to all the boys. We ask everyone to bring a snack or dessert to share at this meeting to celebrate everyone’s hard work over the last year.
At our May meeting, we will be visited by the Friends of Scouting, and they will give us a short presentation and ask each family for your financial support of their program.
Finally, our host organization, Riverside Presbyterian Church has asked us to participate in their summer cereal drive. They have requested that each scout brings at least one box of cereal to our May meeting. Cereal drive specifics are as follows:
- During the month of May, the Riverside Presbyterian Church willbe collecting cereal of all kinds.
- Cereal will then be sent to the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago where families come for breakfast in the summer because they’re not receiving breakfast at their schools as they do during the school year. Let’s help these kids have enough to eat in the summer !