Registration is nearly over for the April 20 Pack 24 outing to the USS Cobia in Manitowoc, WI . The registration fee of $50 per person includes:
- An evening of activities and programs aboard the historic USS Cobia Submarine
- Dinner at a local restaurant in Manitowoc before the event
- Late night snacks to keep up our energy and light breakfast before we hit the road to return to Riverside
- A specialized patch to add to your scout’s brag vest.
- Click here to see the previous post a full description of this program.
We still have plenty of spaces available for the outing, but need to give a firm commitment to the museum 30 days in advance of the event. You are free to bring along school-aged siblings to this event. So, to register to attend this outing, click here today.
If you can’t make the Cobia outing, don’t worry, we will soon be opening registration for our upcoming adventure to Camp Duncan on May 11 & 12.