Registration for the Pack 24 overnight at the USS Cobia has begun, participation is limited to sixty scouts and parents for this event, due to space limitations. If there is still space available by Saturday, March 9, we will open registration to school-aged siblings.
What is the USS Cobia overnight? Well only one of the most awesome events of our entire year! What – you want more details? Well, ok…
- Who? The USS Cobia is an authentic US Navy submarine that saw active duty during World War II. The Cobia now a permanent exhibit at the Wisconsin Maritime
Museum in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
- What? Pack 24 has reserved the entire museum and submarine for an overnight program and we will sleep in the actual crew quarters of the Cobia. However, before we sleep, there will be an entire evening of activities, exploration, demonstrations and lots of other fun. Here are links to a general timeline and information on what to bring, safety, etc. Note, we will probably not get to bed until after 11:30pm; forewarned is forearmed.
- Where? According to Google Maps, Manitowoc is about 170 miles north of Riverside, which is about a three hour drive, depending on traffic.
- Why? In years past, the pack has gone on this event, and the boys have had a lot of fun. The probably learned a few things as well.
- When? Saturday, April 20th. We will rendezvous in Manitowoc for dinner (included in the cost of the activity) by about 6:30pm, so we can meet over at the museum for orientation which begins at 7:30pm.
- How? Click here to register. Because space is limited, we will end registration when we have 60 participants, so don’t delay. They also require a completed waiver and medical form (click on the link for each to review).
The cost of this event is going to be $50 per participant (scout or parent). The cost includes the $44 program fee charged by the museum, and the pack will also cover the pre-event dinner at a local restaurant in Manitowoc, a late evening snack, light breakfast the next morning, and of course, a commemorative patch. As usual, you can pay with either PayPal, cash or check. However, Kamp Bux can also be used to defray the cost of this event. Remember Kamp Bux, those are the activity credit your scout earned by selling popcorn last fall. We will be sending a separate email to each family individually to advise each of you how many Kamp Bux are in your scout’s account.
Due to fact this is a long drive, we will be attempting to organize car pools, but we can’t promise there will be enough volunteer drivers. Remember, one parent has to accompany each scout on this event.
FYI – if you can’t attend this event, you can use any remaining Kamp Bux at our upcoming outing to Camp Duncan on May 11 & 12, and any remaining Kamp Bux at the fall campout, details of which are TBD.