Popcorn Blitz Day Thursday 10/7

What is a blitz day? It’s a day for Pack 24 to blanket the town with scouts in uniform, order forms in hand, akelas at their sides, and sell more popcorn. If you haven’t begun door to door sales yet, Thursday is a great day to start. The weather forecast looks perfect.

In case you haven’t gone door to door yet taking popcorn orders, here are a couple things to remember:

  1. Always go with an Akela or your Akela’s permission
  2. Go during the day, not after dark
  3. Go in uniform
  4. Bring your order form and a pencil
  5. Collect the money when the order is placed. Checks should be made out to Pack 24 Riverside
  6. Be careful
  7. Be sure to say “Thank you for supporting scouting!”

There is more information available here: Popcorn FAQ.

Please bring your “take order” sheet to the pack meeting on Tuesday October 12. We’re going to award a prize to the scout with the most take order sales to date. This is an extra prize we’d like to share with the pack in addition to all the other awards that are available (below).

There are prizes available for the top selling scouts in the pack, scouts who fill out one or more sheet completely, scouts who reach $600 in total sales and another prize for scouts who reach just a little higher and hit $650.

At the October 12 pack meeting, we’ll share the results of our very successful show and sell and let everyone know what amount to add to their take order sheet for the shifts that were worked.

Thanks to everyone who has bought or sold popcorn this year. Your support has been invaluable.

Canoeing at YMCA Camp Duncan
Canoeing at YMCA Camp Duncan
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