Dear Scout Families,
Get excited, the 2023 Riverside Cub Scout Pack 24 Pinewood Derby is only a week away! Here’s what you need to know:
Enter the door on the southeast corner of the Riverside Presbyterian Church and go up the stairs to the gym. Look for the big checkered flag!
Friday, January 27
4:00-7:00 Set-up and Decorating
6:00 PM Akela Race Check-in begins
7:00 PM Akela Racing and awards
Akela (adult and family) race follows the same rules as the Scout Race. Arrive no later than 6:45 to check-in if you plan to race.
Saturday, January 29
10:00 am – 12:00 pm Check-in
Scouts can make practice runs down the track, make adjustments to their cars in the work area, and get checked-in for the race. All cars must be checked in by noon and scouts should check-in their own car. Please bring the number stickers that came in your kit so we can get them properly labeled.
11:00 am – 1:00 pm Lunch available for purchase in the church hall.
Girls Scouts will have pizza, hotdogs, drinks, and snacks for sale in the church hall. Stay to support them and socialize with fellow scout families.
12:00 – 12:55 PM Balloting for design awards in the Gym.
Ballots must be turned in to the ballot box by 12:55 PM to be counted.
1:00-3:30 Flag Ceremony & Racing
All scouts should be present for the opening flag ceremony. Racing followed by awards will take place by den from youngest to oldest: (Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 1, Webelos 2). The finals (2 fastest cars from each den plus the next 4 fastest), final awards, the closing flag ceremony, and cleanup will end the day.
We need adults who are willing to help with set-up and decorating, check-in, racing, and more. Fill out this Google form to indicate your willingness and availability to help on race day and we’ll plug you in and get you what you need to know.
Check out the FAQ here, read the rules, and feel free to e-mail me, It isn’t too late to make a car, let me know and I’ll get you a kit.
We are asking scout families to pay $10 for each scout entry and $20 for each Akela race entry to help with the cost of the event. If you haven’t paid yet, you can pay online here.
Let’s go racing!
Luke Wetzel
2023 Pinewood Derby Coordinator