Anyone else trying to focus on WARM thoughts today? Registration for most summer camps will open on Sunday, January 1st. They do not typically fill quickly, but we encourage your family to register as soon as you are ready! Here are the options for summer 2023. We will update this post whenever new information is available (last updated 3/26/23). Feel free to email us with any questions!
Camperships are available! Apply here by April 15th.
***When you register for summer camp, remember that our official Pack number is 3024. You need to mark this properly on your registration so your family will be grouped with our Pack.***
CUB SCOUT DAY CAMP at Keystone Park, River Forest, IL (Saturday, 8/5, 9am – 4pm). This is the day camp hosted by our district, but you can consider other dates/locations at the link. Siblings and friends who are rising 1st-5th graders can also attend. Our Pack will need at least two registered Leaders to attend Day Camp. If you are interested in chaperoning at Day Camp please let the Pack know via email. If we do not find two Leaders, parents will be required to attend camp with their children (note that a parent will need to attend with any rising 1st graders regardless of how many Pack Leaders attend).
FAMILY CAMP at Camp Betz, Berrien Springs, MI (Session I: Fri, 7/7 – Sun, 7/9). There are five sessions of this camp offered. You are welcome to attend any of the sessions, but we are encouraging families from our Pack to attend the first session, if possible. This is a weekend camp in tents. (There are currently wait lists for Sessions II & III.)
FAMILY CAMP at Camp Reneker, Twin Lake, MI (Week-long sessions in June & July). Currently we do not know of any Pack 24 families that plan to attend this camp. Let us know if your family registers so we can notify other families about when you will attend. This is a week-long camp in cabins.
WEBELOS CAMP at Camp Wolverine, Twin Lake, MI (Wed, 8/2 – Sat, 8/5). Rising 4th & 5th graders may attend this session with or without a parent (no siblings). Currently we have two Pack 24 Leaders committed to attending this session. There is a separate session on Sun, 7/30 – Wed, 8/2 that any Cub Scout can attend with a parent (but no siblings). This is a three-night camp in tents.