2022 April Pack Meeting

What: Special Pack Meeting / Parent Training

When: Tuesday 4/12 6:30-8 pm (note earlier than usual start time)

Where: Riverside Presbyterian Church (116 Barrypoint Road). Scouts downstairs in the social hall. Parents upstairs in the Parlor.

Bring: A Crayola Style marker of your favorite color

The Pack meeting will feature Songs, Awards, and a special Paper Airplane Derby!

Each scout should bring a Crayola style marker of your favorite color to put their name on / decorate their airplane (paper will be provided)

Parents: A special opportunity for you too! All Adults who attend Camp Tecumseh this year should be Youth Protection Trained. We will be offering live, in-person training during the pack meeting. The class will be presented by a special guest speaker from our Pathway to Adventure Council. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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