Tuesday is our first Pack Meeting of the year! Join us at 7:00 pm at Riverside Presbyterian Church. The Webelos I den will lead the flag ceremony, so please try to arrive a little early if you have a child in 4th grade. All other dens will sit with their Den Leaders near the front of the room. There will be chairs available for parents and for any families that prefer to maintain distance from others outside their household. Masks are recommended but not required.
Help fill the food pantry! The Tiger den will collect non-perishable food items at the beginning of the meeting. All donations will go to RPC’s Little Food Pantry. Items that are most needed include: soup, one meals (corned beef hash, ravioli, etc.), meats (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages), macaroni and cheese (the kind that doesn’t require milk and butter), peanut butter, and jelly.