Calling All Cub Scouts!
The Troop 24 Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, March 5th from 7 AM to 1 PM, and the Boy Scouts need our help!
Like last year, the Pancake Breakfast will be a Curbside Pick-Up event at the Riverside Presbyterian Church. While the Boy Scouts are cooking up pancakes and sausages inside the church, our Cub Scouts will help take orders, collect tickets, pack up meals, and deliver juice and milk boxes to the customers!
Sign up for a shift, wear your uniform, and have fun! And Cub Scouts, if you are not a Webelos please remember to bring your adult with you! Click here to sign up.
Don’t forget to turn in your Pancake Breakfast Ticket money to Rachel Schrier: 375 Uvedale Rd.
Sign Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4BA9AF22AAFA7-riverside