Socially Distant Scouting

We hope you are all navigating the new school year well. As the old Chinese proverb goes, we are certainly living in interesting times. Over the summer, we, the Pack 24 leadership team, have been meeting (virtually) to discuss how to continue Scouting for this 2020-2021 year.

We certainly want to continue with Scouting activities, but we must also keep our Scouts safe. As such, and in accordance with guidance from medical professionals, we decided to cancel large group activities this year. Sadly, that means no Warren Dunes, no kick-off picnic at the Scout Cabin, and no Scout Cabin overnight. We also plan to suspend Pack meetings for the foreseeable future. We are instead planning to focus on Den meetings. Below is a list of the Den Leaders, along with their email addresses. You should be receiving an email from your Scout’s Den Leader soon about planned activities, but please feel free to reach out to your Scout’s Den Leader with any questions or concerns. Also, if you know of any young boys or girls who are interested in Cub Scouts, please share this information with their parents and have them reach out to the appropriate Den Leader. 

Kindergarten = Lion
Leader: Natalie Wetzel (

First Grade = Tiger
Leader: Candace Donlin (

Second Grade = Wolf
Leader: Carrie Staubus (

Third Grade = Bear
Leader: Cari Hermann (

Fourth Grade = Webelos I
Leader: Kim Cimino (

Fifth Grade = Webelos II
Leader: Rachel Schrier (

Scouts will be expected to wear masks at all Den meetings, whether indoors or outdoors (including hikes), except if the Den meeting is virtual (e.g., via Zoom). Den meetings and activities will be outdoors as much as possible. We recommend your Scout bring his/her own hand sanitizer to the Den meetings, along with gloves if you are so inclined.

In addition, the plan is for popcorn sales to be virtual this year. In years past, Scouts have had the opportunity to set up their own Web pages for online sales. This year, we are planning to focus on those online sales. Scouts may drop off flyers in their neighbors’ mailboxes with the URL to their online site, but Scouts will not be doing door-to-door sales or site sales.

It is certainly going to be a different year. But together, we can still make Scouting fun. And hopefully, sometime next year, we’ll be back to Pack meetings, overnights, and camp outs.

Yours in Scouting,
 Pack 24 Leadership Team

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