Reminder- Sign Up for Apple River Canyon!

Last call for all Memorial Day Campers!  The sign up will be closing soon for our amazing camping experience at Apple River Canyon State Park.  Apple River Canyon State Park is in the hilly northwest corner of Illinois in Jo Daviess County near the Wisconsin border. Limestone bluffs, deep ravines, springs, streams and wildlife characterize this area. Once a part of a vast sea bottom that stretched from the Alleghenies to the Rockies, the scenic canyon area was formed by the action of the winding waters of the Apple River.

Here are the specifics:

Who:  All Pack 24 scouts, parents / akeylas, and siblings.  The cost is $15 per scout, $25 per sibling, and $25 per adult.  Total registration is limited to 60 participants.

What:  Some of our activities will include: hiking, rock hopping, campfire stories, and a wide range of other scout-related action.

Where:  Apple River Canyon is located 140 miles, or approximately 2.5 hours, away from Riverside. We are camping in youth group dedicated campsites that are located right along the banks of the scenic Apple River.

Why: The usual suspects: good clean outdoor fun, friendships, and quality time with your scout(s).

When:  Friday, May 27th through Sunday May 29th.  Friday night will primarily consist of set up and possibly a campfire – Saturday will be the action-packed day – so feel free to come for either one night or two. We will be wrapping things up on Sunday morning after breakfast so everyone can be back in Riverside by mid-day on Sunday, May 29th.

Please email Gian Ricco at with any questions.

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