Yet Another Reason to Register for the Blue & Gold Banquet

Blue & Gold PatchThe pack committee has arranged for a visit from story-teller and entertainer Chris Fascione at the Blue & Gold banquet on Sunday, February 23.  Check out his website to see his mad juggling skills and his high-energy performance style.

The banquet begins at 4pm CT with a final flag ceremony from our Webelos II scouts.  After some quick introductions, we’ll move to the performance from Chris Fascione.  The Arrow of Light Ceremony will follow next and finally the Webelos II cross-over into the ranks of boy scouts in Troop 24.  We’ll target dinner to begin at approximately 5pm.

Some parents have inquired to the details of the menu choices.  The Riverside Golf Club buffet will include the following:

  • House salad with all the trimmings
  • Vegetable medley
  • Penne pasta with marinara
  • Roasted red potatoes with thyme
  • Fried chicken
  • Brownies & cookies for dessert

So click here to register today before the deadline.  This year promises to be our best Blue & Gold ever, and we hope you can make it.

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