The Pinewood Derby is probably Pack 24’s single largest event of the year, and we expect nearly all of our 70 scouts to participate this Saturday, January 19. We require at least one parent or Akelya to accompany their scouts to to this event. A large number of siblings will join in the fun as well. When you add it all up it can be quite a crowd. So here is your Race Day Survival Guide:
Pre Check-in Tune-ups: The racetrack will be set up so when you arrive at 10am, scouts can test their cars on the track to make sure it runs smoothly. Leader Mike Murphy will organizing the pit crew to help scouts and parents make any last minute adjustments to optimize cars and make sure they meet the comply with derby rules. Once scouts check in their cars with the race officials, they will not be permitted to handle cars.
Check-in (10am to noon): At check in, the race officials will check to make sure the cars are (1) numbered (2) do not exceed the maximum weight of five ounces, and (3) fit within the car dimensions for length, width and height that are detailed the race rules. If your scout is already committed to a morning activity, it is OK for parents to check in the car without their scout being present. Cars must be checked in by the noon deadline so we can tabulate votes for the design awards and also make all the car information is loaded into our racing software.
Voting for Design Categories: When cars are checked in, you will be given ballots for the four different design awards. These are:
- Fastest Looking
- Funniest
- Most Scout-Like
- Coolest Car / Best Design
Lunch Break: During the break between registration and racing, we encourage all families to enjoy lunch at the concession stand run by the Girl Scouts of Troop 657 in the downstairs social hall at RPC. The Girl Scouts will have a variety of delicious & nutritious lunch items at very reasonable prices. So please visit them during the break.
Pre-Racing Activities: Representatives of the Des Plaines Valley Council will make a presentation on Summer Scout Camp opportunities at 12:45. They will also have handouts and early registration coupons available for any parents that are interest in Weekend in Illinois or Camp Shin-Go-Beek.
Racing! We have a flag ceremony at approximately 1pm, then announcements, Webelos advancement. and the design category winners. Scouts will race by rank, beginning with the Tigers and progressing to the Webelos II. The two fastest cars from each rank, and the next six fastest overall will advance to the championship round.
Parent Volunteeers Still Needed. We are still seeking volunteers to supervise the movie room for a 1/2 hour shift in the afternoon or help clean up. Please click here to fill out a volunteer form and help ensure that this Pinewood Derby will be the best ever.
Questions / Comments? Email us at pack24riverside@gmail.com.