Our next pack meeting is December 13, at 7:00pm, and it may be one of the best of the year. Our fun lineup includes:
- Popcorn awards for more than 30 scouts and, for the top sellers ($800 or more), a chance to throw pie-in-the face of the pack leader of their choice
- Deadline to register and pay for the upcoming Dozin with the Dinos at the Field Museum on February 10, 2012. There are just 11 spots left, click here for more information.
- Information and first chance to register for two upcoming pack activities: Polar Prowl (Jan 14) and Chicago Steel (Jan 22).
- Details and a save-the-date for our Spring Campout, which will be to the White Pines Ranch in Oregon, IL on April 20-22, 2012.

- Now if that wasn’t enough… there’s one last important item.
Pinewood Derby Cars from 2010 We will be distributing kits for our Pinewood Derby Race on Saturday, January 28, 2012. As we have done in the past, the Pack is covering the cost of the Pinewood Derby so all scouts can participate. It may take your scout a while to design and build his engineering masterpiece, so that’s why we’re handing them out now – so you have well over a month to work on this fun project with your scout.