The date is February 27. The initial notification said March 27 in error.
The Blue and Gold Banquet will be held on Sunday, February 27 from 4:00 to 7:00PM at Park Place Banquet Hall in Countryside Illinois (across Joliet Road from the William Tell Holiday Inn.)
Sunday February 27, 2011
4:00PM – 7:00PM
Park Place Banquet Hall
6240 Joliet Road, Countryside
The ceremony starts promptly at 4:00PM and dinner will start shortly after 5:00. Scouts and children under 5 are free, children 6 to 10 are just $5 and adult tickets are $12.50 each. We’ve made plans to speed things up a bit this year but still have enough time for a surprise guest presentation and a strong focus on our fourteen 5th grade scouts who are crossing over to Troop 24.
Please use our online sign-up form to reserve space for the whole family. Please sign-up even if you are NOT attending so that we know we’ve reached you. We need to have an RSVP from everyone in the pack. You can submit the form with just the first four fields filled in and no tickets reserved if you will not be attending. Just put a comment in to that effect. If you’re unable to fill in the form, please contact us and tell us you will not be attending Blue and Gold. We hope you can make it, but please tell us if you cannot.
Deadline for your RSVP and payment is Thursday February 17, 2011.
Thank you,
Chris Hajer