Call for Photos

photography belt loopWe’re going to have a photo slideshow at the Blue & Gold Banquet on February 27. If you’ve taken any photos of our Cub Scouts or Cub Scout events and would like to share them with the pack, please get them to me. If you have a large number of files, please put them on a thumb drive or CD-ROM and get that to me. I will return thumb drives as soon as I copy the files. If you just have a few pictures to share (less than 20MB), please attach them to an email and send them to .

There are also file sharing services where you can upload larger quantities of files. You can use any of these: just send me the link after the files are uploaded.
Your favorite file sharing service

If you need help getting the pictures to me, please let me know. My intention is to have enough photos to create a slideshow with enough images to never repeat. To accomplish that, I need your photos!

Chris Hajer

p.s. The images will not be used anywhere online. They will be used in the slideshow shown at Blue & Gold only.

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