I know this is short notice, but we need to get registered ASAP if we are to secure this date. So far I have approximately 20 scouts and Akelas signed up. Please let me know by Tuesday December 20th. You can make a check payable to Pack 24 for the amount ($50 x number of attendees) and drop this by my office at 105 East Burlington in Riverside. Siblings are welcome.
Astro-Overnight Schedule
The Astro-Overnight program starts at 6pm. Between 6pm and 10pm, participants will enjoy a combination of fun astronomy activities, night sky telescope viewing (weather permitting), a customized sky show, evening snack time, and exhibit free time. Some activities have limited times that will be noted on your program schedule. Participants receive their schedule of activities upon arrival. Check-out is at 8am the next morning.
Participants can arrive as early as 5:30pm to check-in and purchase dinner in Galileo’s Café. The café will be open from 5:30pm – 7pm with dinner options available for purchase.
Scouts and Badge Work
Scout groups attending Astro-Overnight with the goal of earning a badge: Please note that all scout activities are self-guided and must be provided by the scout group prior to your overnight. The Adler has scout badge workbooks available for download on their website. Print-outs of the badge workbooks will not be available at the overnight.
Food Service
Included in the Astro-Overnight fee is a late night snack and continental breakfast in the morning. In addition, Galileo’s Café will have grab and go sandwiches and salads available for purchase from 5:30pm – 7pm. Vending machines for sodas and snacks will be available at all time, but no food or beverage is permitted in the exhibit galleries or theaters.
Overnight rate:$50 per person
Again, the registration deadline is Wednesday December 21st, so please have your payment in to me by Tuesday December 20.
Contact Denny Georgopulos at denny.georgopulos.bzml@statefarm.com or call me at 708-447-6898 or 708-606-4019.
Take care and have a great Holiday Season.
Denny Georgopulos