The Des Plaines Valley Council Voyageur Trace District held a First Aid Meet on March 6, 2010 to help the Boy Scouts meet the requirements of their First Aid merit badge. The Boy Scouts needed our Webelos “victims” to practice their first aid on. To be a victim, Webelos Scouts needed to wear clothing they didn’t mind getting dirty, torn, stained or burned. No scouts were injured at the first aid meet. All the injuries are fake, created with makeup and latex and some other tricks. You can read more about the moulage techniques at wikipedia.
This annual event will be held in LaGrange on Saturday March 5, 2011 from 9:00 to 12:00. Details are available from the Des Plaines Valley Council website. Webelos scouts must be accompanied by an adult. Please check with your den leader, and be sure to sign up before February 21, 2011 to ensure you receive a patch.