Hello Akelas,
Thank you for supporting your Scouts and Riverside Pack 24 this year by selling popcorn as our main fundraiser. Here are some details and logistical information for your reference. Sorry for info overload, but save this email for future reference.
Why Sell Popcorn?
- It allows each Scout to earn money to fund their Scouting adventures (70+% of the profits selling popcorn comes directly back to our Pack!)
- It helps pay for a portion or all of certain events throughout the year.
- It helps pay for annual membership dues.
- For Scouts they earn recognition, advancements and retention. Its fun and encourages responsibility, association with friends, motivation for prizes, a sense of accomplishment and potential Legacy Scholarships.
3 Ways to Sell
- Take Orders: Door-to-Door Sales
- Leaders will pass out order forms at the Pack 24 Kick-off meeting on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Prize sheets will also be distributed. Eventually we will receive door hangers you can fill out and leave if someone is not home for them to contact you back.
- Tips for Selling Door-to-Door
- Be Neat – Scouts should wear their uniform for a professional look.
- Be Prepared – Scouts should learn the popcorn flavors and prices, along with what you are going to say.
- Maintain Eye Contact – be confident
- Speak Loudly and Clearly
- Always Be Polite & Courteous – Always say “Thank you!” at the end of a sale even to the people who don’t buy anything!
- Keep Moving with a Smile – the more people you approach and talk to, the more popcorn you will sell
- If someone doesn’t want to buy popcorn please refer to the Answers To Objections At Point Of Sale sheet on the back of the PTAC Incentives sheet!
- Scouts should bring the following while selling door-to-door:
- Order form / Pen (optional: clipboard)
- Envelope for money/checks collected
- Cash in case customer needs change back
- Payments: It is up to the individual parent, but we recommend collecting payment at time of order. Cash is preferred, but checks can be made out to you, the parent (Akela).
- We expect that parents then submit ONE check with the total amount due/collected to their Den leaders by the deadline, Monday, October 24, 2022. This total check should be made out to “Pack 24”. Order forms along with prize selections should also be turned into your Den leader.
- Den leaders reconcile and submit entire Den order to Jenny & Lee Hinson by Wednesday, October 26, 2022.
- Popcorn will then be distributed to Scouts on the weekend of November 12-13, 2022. You can inform your customers that delivery will be during the following week.
- Site Sales
- We will be holding 14 Site Sales to earn credit selling popcorn at local stores. These will take place on the weekend days of Saturday and Sunday each weekend in the months of September and October, 2022. Each weekend day will consist of 3 two-hour time slots at each Site Sale from 10am – 4pm. Please sign up for any and all dates you’d like from September 10, 2022 through October 23, 2022 on the signup genius. Most of our best seller’s participation use this as a way to boost their sales with minimal effort. Total sales for the day will be divided amongst the Scouts based on the hours selling. The more hours selling = more sales credit for the Scout.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4CA5A72FA3FD0-pecatonica
- Scouts should wear their uniform to look professional, and don’t forget to sign in upon arrival to ensure proper credit is given.
- Online Sales
Officially we are identified as:
Riverside Cub Scout Pack #3024
Pathway to Adventure Council (PTAC)
Portage Creek District
Riverside Presbyterian Church
Have your Scouts Sign up for an online selling account and earn more towards their Scouting adventures! A new line of gourmet products are now available exclusively on a user friendly site that has similarities to popular sites that everyone is used to seeing. Scouts, families, and units can tell their story in a compelling way seeking support for Scouting’s mission with fresh and softer branded products that will appeal to everyone.
It’s easy to register! You will receive an email with subject line: “Boy Scouts of America Online Popcorn Sale” from Pecatonica River Popcorn. Within this email there will be a click here link that will take you to the MY PR Popcorn Tool to create and customize an account for your Scout. Be sure to use your Scouts specific Seller ID. This will be the Seller ID that you will share with anyone who wants to support your Scout so they receive proper credit. By sharing the link to Pecatonica River Popcorn’s online store, www.prpopcornstore.com, with your family and friends they can help support your Scout and our Pack 24. There is even a Pecatonica River Popcorn app you can download through the app store called the My PR Popcorn App.
You are now ready to create and use your personal profile!
- On the left side of the page click on My Profile to edit and create your Scout’s profile.
- Upload a picture of your Scout in their uniform and set their fundraising goal. You can even upload a video of them explaining why they are selling popcorn for Cub Scouts Pack 24 in Riverside and asking for support in their fundraising efforts.
- This is also where you can download your Scout’s individual online sales report.
- The tracking tool allows you to see how much is left of your Scout’s goal.
Pathway to Adventure Council has prizes starting at the $150 level and going all the way up to the $5,000 level where Scouts can choose between different prizes at each level depending on how much they have sold (see PTAC 2022 Popcorn Prize sheet).
Pecatonica River Popcorn is also offering prizes in their Winner’s Circle Prize Program if a Scout sells $3,000 (see the prize selection on the back of the order form). A list of any Site Sale credits will be provided before the deadline to add to the Scout’s total, plus any online sales the Scout incurred.
Special PTAC Incentives are also being offered for the Chicago Wolves and the Chicago Blackhawks (See PTAC Incentives sheet on the back of the Answers To Objections At Point Of Sale sheet).
The Riverside Cub Scouts Pack 24 fundraising popcorn goal as a whole is set at $30,000 for the 2022 season. When broken down that is a very attainable goal of approximately $375 per individual Scout. The Pack Incentive if this goal is achieved would be Cubmaster George shaving his head at a Pack meeting in support of our very much accomplished popcorn selling Scouts!
Thanks again,
Your Popcorn Kernels
Jenny & Lee Hinson