Have you missed us? We’ve missed you, too! Let’s get together to kick off a great Scouting season, starting with a picnic full of food, friends, and fun. We’ll need some volunteers to help with set up, clean up, and a little activity supervision in between.
**********A volunteer sign-up link will be coming soon**********
When? Sunday, August 28th, 12 pm – 3:00 pm
Where? Scout Cabin 417 Fairbank Rd.
Bring the family and invite friends—kindergarten through fifth grade—that are interested in joining the Pack. We’ll have burgers, hot dogs, desserts, and plenty of food all around, along with tug-o-war, rock/stick painting, and water bottle rockets!

Start saving your two-liter bottles and follow these instructions to build your own rocket to bring to the picnic (we’ll provide the launcher). Let’s see how high we can fly this year!