Pack Meeting – March 10 – Friends of Scouting Presentation

Our monthly Pack meeting is this coming Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7 p.m. at the Riverside Presbyterian Church. Our activity will be “skit in a bag.” Each Den will receive a bag of items from which they will develop a skit to present to the Pack. It’s always a fun time to see the creativity of the Scouts.

In addition, we will be having a presentation from the Friends of Scouting (FOS). Below is a communication from our Council’s Friends of Scouting Unit Coordinator to prepare you for the presentation:


This is the one time each year when parents and guardians (Akelas) are asked to financially contribute support to the Pathway to Adventure Council (PTAC). Akelas often ask, “Why should I contribute to FOS?” So, in response, I thought it helpful to send information to you ahead of time so that you understand what Friends of Scouting supports and why it’s important.

Your Pack pays annual dues to PTAC that cover a National Registration fee, Boys Life subscription for your Scout, and support from the Council to your local Pack. Other than the initial dues you pay when your Scout first registers, Pack 24 covers these annual dues (this is unique among the Council – most Packs pass the annual fee on to Akelas). Friends of Scouting dollars go to “behind the scenes” expenses that support our unit and that we never “see,” but are incurred by our local Council. These expenses are things like:

  • Operating costs for Camp Napowan, Camp Betz, Camp Owasippe and Camp Lakota.
  • District and Council programs such as Pinewood Derbies, Training Events, Winter Klondike Derbies, Merit Badge Days, Haunted Hikes, and more.
  • Important items such as Adult Leader Training and Accident and Sickness Insurance coverage for all registered youth and leaders, and Camperships for Scouts whose families would not otherwise be able to afford to send their child to camp or join Scouting.

Typical contributions vary, based on a donor’s circumstances, but some donors have contributed up to $5,000, or even more! It takes about $240 per Scout per year to support the services and programs provided by PTAC. That’s $20 a month. A target amount of $240 will cover all expenses incurred by our Council for your Scout this year. If you can afford more, fantastic! Your donation will help support Scouts who are less fortunate. If you cannot give at that amount, I hope that you will give whatever you can. Please consider the benefits received by your child and other youth when making your decision. In 2019, only 11% of families participated in FOS. We hope to have 100% participation this year, but we need your help!

At the presentation you will receive a Friends of Scouting pledge card. I ask that you be prepared at that time to donate/pledge. You can write a check for the full amount, spread it out over the year, or even make a pledge via online resources, there is also a “text to give” option as well.

I am ready to make my pledge to FOS and believe that supporting Friends of Scouting is important. I ask you to thoughtfully consider helping us reach our goal of 100% participation. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support of FOS.

— FOS Unit Coordinator

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