Join Cub Scout Pack 24 and Boy Scout Troop 24 as we march in the Riverside Independence Day Parade on Thursday, July 4th and serve the best lemonade in town afterwards. Here’s what you need to know:
- Scouts must be in full class A uniform, blue dress shirt, neckerchief, slide, cub scout hat is optional. Brag vest if you’d like. Parents & siblings are welcome to march with us, please wear your red, white & blue.
- We are marching right behind the fire engines, so will be serving as the color guard for the rest of the parade. Line up begins at 8:15am close to the corner of Delaplane & Longcommon, just north of the big ball park.
- Parade begins at 8:45am, so don’t be late!
- Scouts are welcome to bring their own bag of candy to share with people along the parade route. The Village has asked us to tell everyone that throwing candy is not permitted, but handing out candy is fine.
- For any adult or Scout without candy, we will be handing out flyers to boys and girls of Cub Scout age along the parade route inviting them to join Pack 24!
- At the end of the parade, you can meet your scout at the Pack 24 lemonade stand in Guthrie Park.
>>>Click here to sign up just so we have a rough idea of how many to expect<<<
Lemonade Stand
The fresh-squeezed lemonade is always popular after a march through town! This is a great fundraiser for Pack 24 and many people look forward to our delicious lemonade and friendly service!
>>>Click here to sign up to help<<<
The Lemonade Stand gets very busy so please plan to stay to stay & help. Scouts will be using knives, juicers and other equipment so we will need everyone to pitch in to keep them safe and keep the line moving!
Parents: Please volunteer to help set up and/or clean up. We will be bringing tables, tents and equipment over from RPC so anybody who is able to help (especially if you have a minivan or vehicle with similar capacity) is greatly appreciated! The more volunteers we have, the quicker setup and cleanup will be. We need you to make this event a success!