It’s POPCORN time! The Pack’s BIGGEST fundraiser of the year is ready to kick off with site sales signup. Our popcorn fundraiser helps the Pack subsidize trips and activities, plus covers the cost of fees, neckerchiefs, slides and handbooks as Scouts advance to the next level — making Scouting more accessible to all.
Everyone will hear the popcorn sale details at our first Pack meeting on Tuesday the 11th, but if you want to get a jump on signing up for a site sale (the first one is this weekend), follow this link:
Remember: For now, only sign up for ONE slot per weekend so everyone who wants to do site sales has an opportunity. If we have more openings on some weekends, we’ll send out a notice that Scouts can sign up for more than one time per weekend.
All Scouts should wear their Class A uniform (shirt; neckerchief; slide) to their site sale. A parent must stay with the Scout during their shift.
Want to wait for more info at the Pack meeting? No problem! We have plenty of site sales through October. Plus, site sales aren’t the only way to raise funds by selling popcorn. Neighbors, family and friends like popcorn (and Scouts on a fundraising mission), too. Again, we’ll have more info and a seller’s sheet for each Scout who wishes to participate at the first Pack meeting.
Let’s get poppin’!