The Scouting year is getting started…we need you!!

Hello, Pack 24 Akelas. We are very excited about all the great events we have planned for our 2018-2019 Scouting season.  We will be sending out more details about specific events soon, but in the meantime check out these important reminders:

-Our Pack is so successful due to the amazing dedication of our parents/Akelas. We are looking for 4-6 parents who would be willing to sit on our Kernel Committee which oversees popcorn sales.  Committee members would be responsible for scheduling site sales, delivering popcorn to the site sales, collecting order sheets, etc. With a great team in place this should be a pretty easy job.  Our Pack has always been very successful with popcorn sales, allowing us to offer reduced rates for activities such as Camp Tecumseh and Warren Dunes and offer FREE activities such as the summer picnic and snow tubing.  For the past several years, we have also been able to absorb the cost of all annual dues to the BSA and provide Boys Life subscriptions for all of our members. Without successful popcorn sales, the price of activities will likely go up. Most importantly, the Scouts learn a lot about themselves during the sales and feel great about being successful! If interested in playing some role in popcorn sales, please email Jessica O’Brien at

-Our next Leadership Meeting will be on Tuesday, August 21st at 7PM at Layla Lombardo’s home at 299 Uvedale Rd. Please come check out the things we are planning and see if there is a way to get involved. All are welcome!!

-There are a lot of exciting changes to Cub Scouts this year. This is the first year we will be welcoming girls into Pack 24 and we will also be kicking off our Lion Den program for Kindergartners. If you are interested in becoming involved in either of these efforts, please reach out to Kim Cimino at and plan to attend our leadership meeting on August 21st.

-Save the Dates!! Signups Coming Soon!

  • Bike Ride,  Sunday 8/5 at 3PM
  • End of Summer Picnic: Sunday, 8/26 from 12-3PM at Scout Cabin
  • Warren Dunes Campout:  Friday, 9/7-Sunday, 9/9
  • First Pack meeting:  Tuesday, 9/11 (Pack meetings will continue to be the second Tuesday of the month with no meetings in January & February).

Have a great rest of your summer!

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