Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, March 5th

Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, March 5

 Thank you for all the scouts and parents that are volunteering to work the pancake breakfast. This is the major fundraiser for both the Pack and the Troop. You will be working in an important role out in the dining area.  Click on the link below to sign up for the few remaining openings or review your time slot:

For all parents that have signed up your scout to cover a 45 minute shift, please read these job responsibilities ahead of time with your cub scout.

  1. Arrive on time and in uniform. If you plan on eating the breakfast, allow plenty of time and bring a ticket. Also add extra time for parking, removing your coat, etc.
  2. Be sure that you have washed your hands.
  3. Report to your den leader/parent in charge of your shift and receive our apron and nametag. Your leader will assign you to an area of the room such as, for example, the 4 tables on the right side of the room.
  4. You will check your tables and remove any unused trays, garbage, soiled placemats. The trays, china plates, silverware, and ALL cups are to be placed into the open window of the dishroom. Prior to placing in the dishroom window, any other garbage such as paper napkins, butter cups, leftover food, should be placed into the garbage cans. Please wait until guests are finished prior to taking away their dishes.
  5. If you have removed any placemats (due to soiling), please replace them using the new ones in the box on the counter – your leader will point out the location of the box.
  6. If a guest at one of your tables asks for seconds, please take their plate up to the seconds window and get it for them. You can ask if they want sausage or pancakes or both. Please wait until a guest ASKS for seconds – otherwise, we may be serving people food that they did not really want and then it ends up going to waste.
  7. Do not get any hot coffee or tea for any guests. This is not one of the Cub Scout responsibilities. If a guest needs juice or milk, you can alert one of the Boy Scout beverage pourers to come to your table – they will be going around periodically to each table anyway though.
  8. Smile at the guests, be friendly, thank them for coming to the breakfast and supporting scouting. You are representing your entire Pack and you’ll want to make a good impression so it is best to take your job seriously and avoid any fooling around with other Cubs.

AKELAS in charge – The head dining room supervisor (a designated Boy Scout leader/committee member) will be providing overall coordination for both the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts working in various roles out in the dining area and he/she will be answering questions throughout the day. The Akelas will be expected to be the direct supervisors of the Cubs who are working. Please be sure that no scout or akela leaves before their replacements have arrived so we have continuous service for our guests.

Thanks for all your help with the breakfast. It is a great way for the entire community to see what a wonderful program scouting is and what fantastic Cub and Boy Scouts we have in Pack 24 and Troop 24!

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