We hope your scout is having good success selling popcorn. Not too many people can resist an earnest cub scout. Remember that 10% of your scout’s popcorn sales are credited as “Kamp Bux” to offset the cost of his activities like camp outs, etc. When selling popcorn, scouts should be in full uniform. Going door-to-door and calling up friends and family is a great way to get started. Please also sign up to be part of our site sales that are going on for the next few weekends (click here for the online signup form – please note the three rules). You only need to sell one item of popcorn or participate in a single site sale to earn a special patch from Trail’s End.
If you haven’t done so, sign up for the November 20 Snoozeum Overnight at the Museum of Science & Industry. Click here for a description of the event, or just click here to register. Remember, space is limited, and we have about 40 spots remaining. Siblings are welcome to attend as well.
If you are a NASCAR fan, check out this free drawing that is available to all families associated with the Boy Scouts of America program. Click here to download the program flyer with all the details.
Lastly, mark you calendars for the next pack meeting on Tuesday, October 13 at 7pm in the RPC Social Hall.