Happy end of the school year pack 24! Summer has officially begun.
We have updated the pack 24 calendar to reflect some fun summer activities we have planned, here’s a quick overview.
- June 14: Join us for a bike adventure along the Salt Creek Trail. We are planning an easy ride of a few miles, with refreshments served at a mid-way point. Meet at the Ames School parking lot at 1pm. There is no charge for this event and it is open to the entire family. Please sign up here so we have an accurate head count for the snacks & drinks we’ll purchase for the group.
- July 4: We are about to begin signup for our traditional role as the color guard for the parade, plus working at the best lemonade stand in Riverside. If you are in town, we hope you can join us.
- July 24: Overnight tent-camping after a minor league baseball game with the Schaumburg Boomers. Details will follow.
- August 30: End-of-summer picnic and new scout recruitment event. Save the date to join us for fun with water rockets, a bounce house, games and excellent barbequed brats & burgers.
While technically not summer, please also save the date of September 11-13 for our camping trip to the Warren Dunes in Sawyer Michigan. The Lake Michigan waters are still warm but the crowds on the beach are significantly reduced. The scouts always love running up and down the dunes and of course, enjoying scrumptious camping food such as walking tacos.