The 2015 Pinewood Derby is just a few short days away. Here are some friendly reminders to help with your final preparations.
- Registration closes at noon! You can check-in your car any time from 10am to noon. Cub scouts cannot handle the cars after check-in, but are free to test it on the track up until noon. We will have a pit crew to help with any final adjustments from 10am to noon. Cars cannot be checked-in after noon. Your scout will receive ballots for voting for the cars with the best design in his den.
- Stay for lunch at the RPC. The Girl Scouts of Troop 657 will be running a lunch stand in the downstairs social hall and will be serving items such as: homemade chicken noodle soup & French bread, homemade sloppy joes, cheese & sausage pizza, chips, clementines, lemonade. They’ll also have a variety of delicious baked goods for sale afterwards.
- Summer Camp presentation begins at 12:45pm. There are a lot of new camping options this year as a result of the counsel merger. We’ll have a 15 minute presentation and Q&A session from a counsel representative.
- Flag Ceremony at 1pm & Racing thereafter! Scouts will race by rank, starting with Tigers and ending with Webelos II. Before each den begins racing, we will award scouts that have won a design award. The top three cars in each den will receive a trophy. When all dens are done racing, we will have a championship round, and the top five cars will receive a trophy.
- Volunteers still needed. We expect to have a lot of scouts & family on hand to participate in this fun event. We still need a few parents to cover the movie room and of course, post race cleanup is always necessary as well. To make this the best pinewood derby ever, please sign up here:
- Other. Rules can be found here: Derby Rules 2012 (the 2012 rules still apply – no changes). Design categories are:
- Funniest
- Most Creative
- Scout-Inspired
- Fastest-Looking
- Coolest