Parents / Akeylas:
We will not be meeting as a pack this coming Tuesday (May 13) due to a large number of conflicts with the District 96 schedule.
- Our next pack meeting will be two weeks later, Tuesday, May 27 at 7pm in the RPC Social Hall.
The theme of this pack meeting will be graduation and rank advancement for all of our scouts. We’ll also recognize our den cheifs for all the help they have given us over the past year. We ask each family will bring a snack to share for the post graduation reception to celebrate this happy occasion. The pack will supply milk and juice for the scouts.
Our host organization, the Riverside Presbyterian Church has asked us to remind families that they are currently conducting a breakfast cereal drive to benefit disadvantaged Chicago Public School children. Please consider this need and bring a box or three with you to the pack meeting.
We may also have a visit from the Des Plaines Valley Council “Friends of Scouting” organization during this meeting.
There are only a few spots remaining for the upcoming Starved Rock camping trip on May 23 – 24, so click here to register today. Registration for this campout ends soon.