Gather ’round scouts, what better way to spend part of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend than a one night campout in beautiful Starved Rock State Park, which is only a short 90 minute drive from Riverside.
Located one mile south of Utica along the Illinois River, Starved Rock State Park is a large 2,700 acre reserve famous for its natural geologic beauty, beauty highly uncommon in Illinois. The park is home to 18 canyons formed by glacial meltwater and stream erosion which slice dramatically through tree-covered, sandstone bluffs. Witness the never ending erosive power of waterfalls and rivers as they continue to shape sandstone cliffs, creating overhangs like Council Overhang at the east end of the park.
Other sights can be seen from the bluffs themselves, which provide vantage points for enjoying spectacular vistas along the river.
Starved Rock contains over 13 miles of hiking trails. The lush vegetation supports an abundant wildlife and bird population, including woodchucks, moles, vireos and catbirds. Wood ducks that nest in hollow trees occasionally can be seen paddling along the river’s edge. As we walk along the River Trail we will keep an eye out for evidence of beavers, muskrats, as well as flying squirrels.
Here are the specifics:
- Who: All Pack 24 scouts, parents / akeylas, and siblings. The cost is $15 per scout, $25 per sibling, and $25 per adult. Total registration is limited to 50 participants.
- What: Some of our activities will include: hiking, a special crafting project, campfire skits, and a wide range of other scout-related action. If you’re not familiar with the spectacular Starved Rock State Park, here is a link to their official website.
- Where: Starved Rock is located 85 miles, or approximately 90 minutes, away from Riverside. Directions from Google Maps can be found here. Note these directions are to the park offices; we are camping in a different area and will give the specific directions to our dedicated, fully-reserved, group campground at a later time.
- Why: The usual suspects: good clean fun, friendships, quality time with your scout(s). If that isn’t enough, all scouts that participate will get an impressive commemorative patch.
- When: Check-in will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 24th. We will have an action-packed Saturday, wrapping things up on Sunday morning after breakfast so families can be back in Riverside by mid-day on Sunday, May 25th.
- How: Click here to register on the Pack 24 website. Email any questions to