At our pack meeting on November 12, we’ll conduct our Bobcat Ceremony for all of our new scouts. We’re very fortunate that 22 scouts have joined our pack over the past several months, and our total membership is now up to 81 scouts. In case you’re interested, the breakdown is as follows:
- 13 Tigers
- 17 Wolves
- 19 Bears
- 16 Webelos I
- 16 Webelos II
We use email updates to make sure everyone is aware of pack activities. We “Do our Best” to make sure all parents & akeylas are on our feedblitz. If you want to have these updates sent to a specific email address, please click here, to register.
If you have questions / comments / concerns you can always email pack24riverside@gmail.com and we’ll respond when we can.
Lastly, den leaders will begin collecting popcorn take orders soon, so get those last few sales. Make sure you collect all your money since we will not fill orders for funds that haven’t been received by the pack. For all the scouts that participated in site sales, we’ll soon know the size of your credit, which is added to your take order total when incentives are determined. In addition to prizes from Trail’s End, remember there are:
- Sell one item and get a patch and Pack 24 Class B uniform (one per scout)
- Sell at least $50 of popcorn and 10% of your sales are credited towards your scout’s own Kamp Bux account, which reduces the cost of participation in activities.
- Sell at least $350 of popcorn and you’ll be invited to the Pack pizza party for top sellers
- Sell $600 and you will go to the Des Plaines Valley Council family fun night at Enchanted Castle in Lombard with free dinner and games.
- Sell $1000 or more and go the Schaumburg Boomers minor league baseball game.
- Even more prizes for sellers that exceed these lofty goals!