With the late end to school this year, and the cold & wet weather during spring, it seems like summer is finally getting started. Can you believe that the 4th of July is just a few weeks away?

Pack 24 scouts are invited to join us to serve as the color guard in Riverside’s Independence Day Parade, and then help us squeeze & sell fresh lemonade at the Festival in Guthrie Park, in downtown Riverside. Here are the details:
- Parade: Riverside begins the parade at 8:45am, so we will need scouts to join us at the starting point near the corner of Delaplane & Longcommon, north of the Big Ball Park before 8:30am on the 4th. Scouts should wear their Class A uniform shirts, with slides, neckerchiefs and a hat, if you have one. Shorts and sandals are fine, especially if it is going to be a hot day. Scouts are welcome to bring a bag of candy to hand out to the kids along the parade route. Parents are welcome to march with us (especially to help keep an eye on the candy).
Ahhh…. refreshing!! Lemonade Stand: We will be continuing our long-standing tradition of serving the best lemonade in Riverside. Its a lot of good sticky fun for the scouts as well, since we do have presses that the scouts can operate to squeeze the juice for the drinks. Even if your scout is going to march with another group in the parade, he is welcome to join us afterwards to help with the lemonade stand. Last year we sold over 700 cups of lemonade, so we’ll see if we can beat our record!
It sounds like a great time, so how do you participate? Click here to register your scouts for either or both of these events. We are looking for some additional help with the lemonade stand preparations a few days ahead of time, since we have to pre-mix all of the syrup. If you’re going to be in town, please consider volunteering your time.
Also, we have patriotic segment patches for all scouts that join in either of our 4th of July activities.