First Pack Meeting is September 11

Labor Day is upon us, then back to school next week, wow – summer went by so quickly.  Its also time for us to resume our monthly meeting schedule, and our first full Pack meeting is Tuesday, September 11 at 7pm.  We will meet at the Riverside Presbyterian Church.

We planning an active game to open the evening, and will then recognize all scouts that participated in the June bike & hike and 4th of July parade & lemonade stand.  We’re also going to kick off our popcorn sales campaign and review all the prizes and incentives that are available to scouts that participate in this important fund-raiser.

New Tiger Scouts:  If you have a son in the first grade that is interested in joining cub scouts, then be sure to come to this meeting.  We will have applications and a meeting for new scout parents to discuss the benefits of scouting in general and the activities of Pack 24 in particular.  So if you know of any family, friends, or neighbors that have a son that may be interested in joining the cub scouts, please invite them to this Pack meeting.  They can also email us a with any questions.

See you there!

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