Happy (early) Independence Day to all the Pack 24 families.
If your scout is marching with us in the parade or joining us later for the lemonade stand, here’s some things that we’d like you to know.

Parade: The parade will start at 8:45 and Pack 24 will serve as the official color guard. We are 2nd in line so beginning at 8:15, we form up on Delaplaine Road, just west of Longcommon; this area is north of the Big Ball Park. Look for leaders Lukas Schlesser and Murphy. A few parade specific pointers:
- Its going to be hot, but we would like the scouts to wear their “Class A” uniform and slides. Shorts are completely acceptable, of course.
- Scouts can bring candy to hand out to parade watchers, emphasis not not throwing or pelting people with candy.
- Parents are welcome to march with scouts
- Don’t forget your cameras.
Lemonade Stand: Immediately after the parade ends, Pack 24 will be serving good ole’ fashioned hand-squeezed lemonade at the party in Guthrie Park. It looks like it will be a clear but hot day, so our refreshing beverages should be quite popular with everyone at the park.
- Don’t forget to change into “Class B” uniforms before getting all sticky squeezing the lemons.
- Families helping with setup (8:30-9:30) are: Ryan, Murphy, Komperda and Staubus
- First serving shift (9:30 -10:30) families are: Ryan, Murphy, Connelly, Friend, Lukas and Cameron
- Second serving shift (10:30- 11:30) families are: Ryan, Murphy, Connelly, Friend, Schlesser, Stack, Georgopulos, Sanduski and Brand
- Clean up crew (11:30-noon) families are: Park, Schlesser, Ryan and Murphy. As you can see we’re a little light on the clean up, so if you can stick around or come by to lend a hand, that would be most appreciated.
- If you see Karen or Mike Ryan, thank one of them for all of their help coordinating the lemonade stand and soliciting lemon donations from several area grocers.
- Don’t forget your cameras.