
We now have a picture hosting site for Pack 24!

Photography Belt Loop
Photography Belt Loop

A special thanks to Jeff Lukas for setting up all of the technical details.  Click here for a link to the smugmug hosting site.

If you have some pictures that you’d like to upload directly to a gallery, let us know, and we’ll send you a link.  We’re also glad to upload from DVD or flash drives.  We can also set up a gallery for past events (such as Dozin’ with the Dinos, or Pinewood Derby), so if you have a lot of pictures that you’d care to share, let us know and we can set  it up.  Right now there are just two galleries one is made up of the pictures from the Blue & Gold slideshow and the other is a set of pictures from White Pines (thanks to Carrie Staubus and Mary Ellen Parks).

A final note:  If any of our cub scout parents have a special interest in serving as a photography coordinator, please let us know (


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