Hello Pack 24 Parents:
Our November Pack Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 8 at 7pm at Riverside Presbyterian Church. All scouts should be in their class “A” (formal) uniform. We’ll have an update on upcoming outings such as Cantigny, Dozin’ with the Dinos and some other important news. However, the main focus of the meeting will be the Bobcat Patch Ceremony for all new scouts.
If your son has recently joined Pack 24, we will ask you to be ready to participate in the Bobcat Ceremony with him. As part of the ceremony, the new scouts will recite the law of the pack, scout promise, scout motto and scout handshake; our veteran scouts will help out with the words.
At the end of the ceremony, we will celebrate the new scouts’ accomplishments with a reception in the RPC social hall. We’ll ask all scout families, new and old, to bring a dessert to help us share this happy occasion.
See you there!