The Pack 24 water park outing this year has returned to Cypress Cove in Woodridge. The park opens at 12:00 and lunch will be provided at 2:00.
All scouts and their families are invited. Scouts enter for free: everyone else pays just $10.
We’ll be having pizza and soda/lemonade for lunch, and there is a snack bar in case you want additional treats.
If you’re planning on joining us, please print and fill out this form, and turn it in with your payment by Friday August 13 to Chris Hajer 300 Maplewood Road, Riverside IL 60546. If you pay by check, please make the check out to Pack 24 Riverside. We need your payment and a head count before we arrive at the water park on Sunday.
The announcement of the Pack 24 water park outing always signals to me that summer is almost over, and that the next year of scouting is about to begin. Please join us in celebrating the beginning of another year of scouting.